21 Sep, 2024
"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave" - Dakota Proverb
The United Nations Association of the USA Southern California Region and the Rotary Action Group for Peace invite you to
Click here to check out the song "HARMONY" written and produced exclusively for the Concert
Conversationsfor Peace
The Concert for Peace “From Harm to Harmony” is coming up soon!
Mark your calendar for September 17, 2023 for this exciting globally streamed concert including talent from Ukraine, Iran, Turkey, the US and more! This concert is being presented by the United Nations Association of the USA (Southern California Division), and the Rotary Action Group for Peace. There will be an opportunity to contribute on-line to organizations assisting the worlds refugees, earthquake victims in Turkey, human rights in Iran, and homeless children in the US. The link to attend this free event will be posted soon!….
Conversations for Peace is a global project bringing people from various countries, cultures, faiths, etc. together in a conversation of what would be possible if more peace, cooperation and mutual understanding were the norm among all people throughout the world.
Interviews are taking place worldwide with people from the Middle East, Europe, Israel, and throughout the U.S. Including people from various cultures, faiths and backgrounds such as from the Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Black and other communities.
Everyone everywhere is asked: “What would be possible in your community if there was more peace, cooperation and mutual understanding in the world?” “What would that make available?”
What would you say? What does “peace” mean to you? What would be possible when people are choosing to be more cooperative and understanding?
You can submit your “what would be possible?” comment via video or email to: